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In The Flow

This 4x6 vertical glass block includes two paintings and two affirmations. The theme of the block is In The Flow. These paintings depict two ways of sensing the flow of Spirit in your life. Spirit may be flowing in lovely, smooth curves, or it may be flowing in straight-ahead lines. The curved lines lead you to feel the flow more intensely. while the straight-ahead lines allow you to see the flow more clearly. Whether you feel the flow or see the flow, these paintings will help you recognize the flow of Spirit in your life.

In The Flow

  • “I Let Spirit Flow Through Me” - Spirit flows through me. When I feel this flow, my thinking is transformed. New opportunities to be creative, new ways to express love, a deeper level of peace – all these possibilities become more real for me. Today I will be aware of the flow of Spirit in my life.

    “I Can See Clearly Now” - I see where the flow of Spirit is taking me. My goals are clearly in view, and I know what my next steps will be. I am so thankful for this clarity. I know that still more will be revealed in time, but I let go of the illusion that I am in control. I surrender to the flow of Spirit in my life and trust in the outcome.  

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